Fire Drill Management.
Fire drills are a crucial component of an effective fire safety strategy and can be instrumental in saving lives.
At 225 Fire Solutions, we offer comprehensive oversight of your fire drill, providing detailed feedback to Fire Marshals and individuals responsible for fire evacuation in the workplace.
Following the drill, we will provide a report outlining areas for improvement, ensuring you are well-informed on how to enhance your fire safety protocols in the future.
Legal Considerations for Fire Drill Management.
You must carry out at least one fire drill per year and record the results. You must keep the results as part of your fire safety and evacuation plan. However, as the best practice it is often recommended a six monthly fire drill or in accordance to your buildings fire risk assessment.
Are Fire Evacuation Drills Required by Law? Yes, they are. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that Responsible Persons, such as business owners, have a legal duty to keep people safe on their premises. This includes conducting regular, documented, and evaluated fire evacuation drills.

What is an Evacuation Drill?
A fire evacuation drill is a practice exercise designed to prepare individuals for safely exiting a building in the event of a fire. It simulates an emergency situation, allowing participants to familiarise themselves with evacuation routes, emergency protocols, and the overall response to a fire alarm.
Key elements covered in a fire evacuation drill include:
- Evacuation Routes: Identifying and practicing the quickest and safest paths to exits.
- Assembly Points: Designating and familiarising participants with safe meeting locations outside the building.
- Communication Protocols: Understanding how to report a fire and alert others during an emergency.
- Roles and Responsibilities: Clarifying the duties of Fire Marshals and other designated personnel during an evacuation.
- Time Management: Measuring the time taken to evacuate to improve efficiency.
- Post-Evacuation Procedures: Reviewing what to do once outside, including headcount and reporting missing individuals.
- Feedback and Improvement: Analysing performance to identify areas for enhancement in future drills and emergency plans.
How can Fire Safety Specialists help with Evacuation Drills?
We can participate in and evaluate your drills, offering recommendations for enhancements. This may include identifying necessary modifications within the building to improve evacuation processes.
Our expert team will visit your site to conduct a thorough assessment of the building's safety for conducting a fire drill. Following this evaluation, we will provide precise timing for the complete evacuation process, along with constructive feedback and an on-site debrief for the designated responsible person. A follow-up fire evacuation record and report will be generated to assist you in maintaining accurate documentation for future audits and inspections.
Furthermore, you will be able to share the fire drill report with your fire risk assessment provider to ensure that any necessary adjustments or arrangements are implemented.​

You will receive a fire evacuation report for your business records, which will also be available for review by local authorities and fire safety consultants.

Booking A Fire Evacuation Drill.
If you are uncertain or believe you need assistance in planning and executing your fire safety drill, please reach out for support.
1. Half-day attendance from a fire safety expert.
2. An initial walkthrough to assess all pathways, emergency equipment, and external areas, including assembly points.
3. Organised assistance for conducting a fire evacuation drill, followed by a detailed debriefing session with building personnel and all fire wardens.
4. A thorough report on the fire drill, encompassing feedback and identifying any key learning outcomes.
5. Comprehensive Follow up fire evacuation drill report.